Why You May Want to Try Tablets to Treat Grass Allergies

Atlanta allergy patients who suffer from allergic rhinitis, an increasingly common and unpleasant condition that results in the inflammation of the nasal passageways, might find relief from allergy symptoms with the help of sublingual immunotherapy tablets. Grass allergies, which are responsible for most cases of persistent allergic rhinitis, can be effectively treated with these tablets.

What are the Benefits of Sublingual Immunotherapy Tablets?

Compared with traditional allergen immunotherapy, or allergy shots, sublingual immunotherapy tablets offer grass allergy sufferers a number of advantages, including:

Safer and Easier Administration

Atlanta allergy patients who take sublingual immunotherapy tablets don’t have to come to the Center for Allergy & Asthma of Georgia’s office for allergy shots. What’s more, these patients will avoid any risks associated with allergy shot injections. Patients who have an intolerance to traditional allergen immunotherapy will also benefit from this grass allergy treatment.

Lower Costs

Compared with traditional allergy shots, sublingual immunotherapy treatment costs less, and requires fewer visits to the allergist, saving patients both time and money.

No Need for Over-the-Counter Medications

According to recent studies, sublingual tablet immunotherapy for those with grass allergens resulted in the reduction of allergic rhinitis symptoms, and decreased the need for other anti-allergy medications. In addition, a course of pre-seasonal sublingual immunotherapy treatment was found to increase the response rate of patients with significant grass allergies.

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