New App Available to Help Allergy Patients Stay on Track of Shots

How do allergy shots work? Who should receive them? These are valid questions that first-time and even returning patients to the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia might ask. Our center offers a variety of treatments to help those who have suffered for years, their entire lifetime, or have recently discovered that you have a certain allergy.

One of those treatment methods is through our allergy shots program. Now it is even easier to keep track of allergy shot appointments with our app! The Visionary Allergy Tracker App is now available via the iTunes store to your iPhone, and will automatically send you reminders, based on your personal treatment history. Here is the link to download. Allergy Shot History

Convenient & Easy-to-Use

As our allergy patient, we always recommend that you keep all appointments and make sure to stay on a regular shot schedule. We also understand that life can get busy at times, and it is can be all too easy to forget to make your appointment. That is why we developed the allergy app to help our patients keep track of their shot schedules.

The app provides patients with the following:

  • Overview of treatment and injection history
  • Personalized treatment and progress review
  • Provides office news and updates
  • Office hours for all seven locations
  • Notification reminders of shots that are upcoming or overdue

Allergy shot treatments have become one of the most effective treatments for fighting allergies. Since nearly 90% of allergy shot patients find relief from their symptoms, our Georgia allergists highly recommend this form of treatment for many patients. You can discuss with one of our board-certified physicians about your symptoms and how allergies are affecting you to begin your treatment.

Can allergy shots help me?

When a patient is given allergy shots, they will receive a small amount of the allergen injected into their body. Ongoing allergy shot treatments exposes the allergen gradually to the body, which will become more accustomed to having the allergen. The immune system then begins to respond less to allergens, reducing the trigger of allergic reactions.

Allergy shots are safe for both adults and children. They are most effective for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, indoor allergies, asthma, insect bites or stings, etc. and especially for those who have more severe allergies.

We encourage you to give us a call or visit the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia if you have any questions about allergy treatments. If you are a current patient, don’t forget to download our new app so that you can start receiving reminders!

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