Spring Allergy Season is in Full Swing

The spring allergy season has already started and the tree pollen count is rising as a result of the warm weather. If you suffer from spring allergies you can breathe a little easier if you know how to take control of and treat your allergies. The Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia is here for same-day appointments to help with treatment of your allergies.

What are the symptoms of spring allergies?

Spring allergy symptoms can include:

  • Runny or wet nose
  • Watery, stuffy, and itchy eyes
  • Chronic coughing and sneezing
  • Darkness or swelling under eyes
  • Sinus problems and infections

Treat Spring Allergies

  • Allergy Medicine: Selecting the allergy medicine that is right for you can help you breathe easier during the springtime. If you suffer from spring allergies, we can help you choose the right combination of medications to control your allergies.
  • Allergy Shots: If medications do not effectively treat your spring allergies, allergy shots, or immunotherapy, are an effective treatment option for both children and adults. Allergy shots are more effective than relying on daily medications, and they reduce the symptom by 80-90%.
  • Allergy Drops: Allergy drops are known to be effective against numerous types of allergens, including grass, tree pollens, dander, dust mites, etc. Allergy drops are also meant to prevent the allergic reaction to allergens in the first place, meaning you are actually combating the cause of your allergies and not the symptoms.

If you are suffering from spring allergies let our allergy team at Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia help you find immediate and lasting relief. We will help you get better this spring and help develop a program to keep you well and free of allergy-related problems.

If you suffer from allergies and you would like to schedule an appointment online now --- or schedule an appointment by calling 770-459-0620 with the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia today!

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