Common Tree Allergies

Suppose you already know you have allergic reactions to pollen, but did you know that some of that pollen could be coming from trees? A lot of people develop allergy symptoms because of certain trees, especially during the spring. But why is this?

The trees that trigger people’s allergies are usually the ones that are very fine and powdery. The troublesome tree doesn’t have to be in your backyard. It can be miles away but when the wind blows, it carries the pollen right to your front door. Even inhaling a tiny amount can send allergy symptoms into overdrive.

Which Trees Cause Allergies?

Let’s take a look at the usual suspects, which include:

  • Ash and Aspen
  • Beech and Birch
  • Box Elder
  • Cedar and Cottonwood
  • Elm and Hickory
  • Mountain Elder and Mulberry
  • Oak and Pecan
  • Willow

If you have a pollen allergy, you may believe that the trees with colorful flowers, such as apple and cherry would be the ones to trigger your allergy symptoms, but contrary to popular belief, the flowering trees are not usually the problem. The pollen from flowering trees tends to be bigger and stickier and therefore less likely to travel in the wind or cause allergy symptoms. The powdery trees are usually the culprit.

What Makes It Worse

The things that make allergies to trees worse include: 1) warm, windy days, 2) certain fruits and vegetables, such as almonds, apples, hazelnuts, pears, or plumbs, and 3) having one of these allergy triggers on your property. If you have a tree in your own yard, you could be exposed to 10 times the pollen as a tree that’s located a block away.

If you suspect that you’re allergic to a tree, our advice is to get tested. Once you know which trees trigger your allergies, you can find ways to limit your exposure to the pollen. If you can’t entirely avoid contact, you can always treat it with allergy drops or shots.

To meet with a board-certified specialist in Allergy and Immunology, contact us today at (404) 994-3574. Our team of experts look forward to helping you.

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